
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
27: Healing Life & Creating Confidence | Guest Moira Shepard | Season1point5
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Get ready for a rare treat: this extended conversation with Moira Shepard is deeply personal and beautifully uplifting.
Her voice is in perfect harmony with her heart, as she guides us honestly and gracefully through a journey that began with difficulty for her mother and father, even before her own birth.
With extraordinary fortitude well beyond a child’s usual grasp, Moira made it to adulthood, and found that yet again, her strengths and wisdom were necessary for what came next... and then next after that.
Moira expresses herself with modesty, calm and sweet humor, offering listeners the opportunity to witness her journey. She speaks with natural respectful for those in her personal life whose own challenges were wrought with both pain and resistance.
You will learn so much, even having your own life validated by her generous sharing.
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In this episode:
Moira shares a “Wow”
“My sweetheart had been in a coma for two weeks. When I kissed him on Valentine's Day, he woke up. I witnessed a miracle that day. It changed everything I thought I knew about life, love, healing, and what is possible.”
Moira shares a “Whisper”
”I'd been working on forgiving my mother for years, yet I still dreaded every visit - until the day I prayed that this time would be different and heard, "You break your own heart every time you wish she was other than as she is." In that moment, I chose to accept her exactly as she was. She was completely different the next time I saw her - warm, loving, appreciative ...That moment of realization transformed our relationship. ”
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A special offer for our listeners:
You may have the "Top 4 Tips to Build Your Confidence Now,” Moira Shepard’s free PDF guidebook, to help you retrain your mind to work with you instead of against you.
Download it free at https://www.MoiraShepard.com
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What you’ll want to know about Moira’s work:
Confidence Mentor Moira Shepard is the author of “Love Your Way to Success” (now on Amazon) and…“The Resistance Buster” and… “Top 4 Tips to Build Your Confidence Now.”
Moira helps coaches, healers, leaders, artists, and visionaries gain the confidence they need. She's committed to supporting them in sharing their gifts with a world that desperately needs them.
As a transformational healer, speaker, and writer, Moira sparks breakthroughs for her audience in telesummits, blogs, articles, radio shows, and workshops.
Private clients, listeners, and readers report positive changes in their energy, attitude, and behavior after just one session with Moira.
After 20 years in the healing arts, Moira cherishes the privilege of supporting thousands of people in creating a richly fulfilling life – including you, if you are willing.
“I help women gain the confidence they need to share their gifts with a world that desperately needs them.”— Moira Shepard
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How to reach Moria Shepard:
Website for Moira Shepard, Confidence Mentor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConfidenceHereAndNow/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MoiraShepard
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MoiraShepard
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/moira-shepard/0/964/536
You can find her latest book on Amazon by author’s name or title:
“Love Your Way to Success: 5 Keys to Confidence for Creative Women Entrepreneurs”
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights:
Rosie’s Place, “Finding answers for 12,000 poor and homeless women a year.”
Visit them online:

Monday Feb 15, 2021
26: Sew Inspired Sew Wow | Guest Suzzy Canny | Season1point5
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
As a child, Suzzy found pleasure in reading and daydreaming of beautiful dresses, and watching movies, fascinated by the costumes. Suzzy’s mother was the daughter of a fine seamstress, and the granddaughter of a German master tailor, and she happily taught avid young student Suzzy. She designed and sewed lovely dresses for her delighted firstborn daughter, which gave Suzzy a lifelong appreciation for originality and flair.
Suzzy’s many years of sewing not only for her own family and friends led her to become an expert seamstress. She is now an accomplished custom seamstress providing dressmaking, alterations, repurposing, and more. She favors Asian silks, elegant Asian designs, and flowing fabrics as well as pure cotton and tulle.
In this episode Suzzy shares the adventure and nitty gritty of creating a bright red silk wedding tux for a man of uniquely bold taste. It was a huge success for him, and his bride.
As we chat, Suzzy also opens the window on what collaboration means to her, and how it satisfies not just her, but her clients. She lets us see how this informs two more creative passions in her life: her book writing and her time as a bookseller. You will come away with new excitement about your own passions in life.
Enjoy the relaxed rhythm of Suzzy’s heartfelt conversation, and the original insights she brings to all who listen. Sew much love!
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In this episode:
Suzzy shares a “Wow”
“The biggest WOW for me is that I can choose who I want to serve and the work I do. There is no drudgery in creating a business with joy. I love that, and my clients.”
Suzzy shares a “Whisper”
” It's your business. Once I realized that the business is of my creation and my choice, I was changed forever.”
More about Suzzy:
Author of the delightfully warm “Like a Child”, which is available on Amazon, and was inspired by a poem that Suzzy wrote. Always lifted by the her love of collaboration she invite her stepson to illustrate this book and enjoyed creative support from the love of her life, her husband Thomas, himself a highly smile visual artist in multimedia.
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We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey.
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What you’ll want to know about Suzzy’s work:
She encourages her clients’ to explore their creative expression, and balances her own creative flair with finely tuned attention to the details, precision and craft skills so essential to her work. Her goal is for her client to love wearing their custom garments with ease and natural confidence.
She also makes fun creations for kids, who always hold a special place in her heart!
“I am a seamstress who wants the best possible look, feel and fit for my clients. I work with that goal in mind for all my clients and we have fun creating what they like for themselves. I love individuality in fashion.” — Suzzy Canny
How to reach Suzzy:
Suzzy Canny, Custom Seamstress & Bespoke Fashion Design
“Sometimes Like A Child Author” - Suzzy's book is on Amazon
Search under the book title, or for author Suzzy Canny
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode:
We highlight botanical gardens: See each of 4 world class gardens where plants are grown for display to the public and often for scientific study, and to contribute to the protection of the biodiversity of our plant life.
Visit them online:
Adelaide Botanic Garden
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
Kew Gardens on Instagram
Lautaret Alpine Botanical Garden

Monday Feb 15, 2021
25: Introducing the Season | Musings with Diane A. Curran Season1point5
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Our special Season 1.5 of Wow Whispering was recorded just before the pandemic overtook us all.
In this brief introduction, I tease the expertise of my guest and offer some food for thought.
Nowadays, we are learning new ways to stay connected while social distancing, and this series of conversations is full of variety, featuring guests from many walks of life, who will open your heart, stretch your thinking, and give you new avenues of inspiration to explore.

Monday Apr 22, 2019
24: No Dark Matter & Earth Day . The Skies Above with Diane A. Curran
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
In this episode, we celebrate the announcement of a new galactic discovery on Earth Day 2019.
A Wow! confirmed...
"We thought that every galaxy had dark matter and that dark matter is how a galaxy begins," said Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, lead researcher of the Hubble observations. "This invisible, mysterious substance is the most dominant aspect of any galaxy. So finding a galaxy without it is unexpected. It challenges the standard ideas of how we think galaxies work, and it shows that dark matter is real: it has its own separate existence apart from other components of galaxies. This result also suggests that there may be more than one way to form a galaxy.”
Finding one such galaxy, known as “NGC 1052-DF2” is quite amazing. Yet today, the news is peppered with confirmations that a second such galaxy
“DF4” has now been sufficiently studied to credibly deem it to have no dark matter, too.
How might this matter to us here on Earth, as we celebrate the 50th Earth Day across the planet? We're here to chat and consider more than just one day's concerns.
New reports of interest:
NASA Dark Matter Goes Missing in Oddball Galaxy
EarthSky Astronomers find 2nd galaxy lacking dark matter
Wired Two Unusual Galaxies Shake Up The Dark Matter Debate, Again
Business Insider Astronomers just found a 2nd galaxy containing no dark matter — and it may change everything we knew about how galaxies are formed.
About this series:
Humanity has always turned its gaze upward, and as our technology gets exponentially more sophisticated, we are still mesmerized by the The Skies Above. Our attention spans mythology to modern times, and space travel, both physical and virtual in the here and now; at once rich in symbolism, while teeming with yet undiscovered scientific data that beckons us onward.
Your Wow Whispering host Diane has been fascinated since childhood with all things skyward, as we expand our podcast series to The Skies Above.
In this series we honor two traditions which were originally united as one: Astrology and Astronomy. Both derive purpose from seeking to understand the nature of life through explorations beyond Earth. From symbolism to science, mythology to modernity, humanity wants to know more, ever more, about our place in the cosmos.
Our Websites:
Social Media link
Twitter: @wowdianeacurran
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights two organizations.
Visit them online:
The National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc., (NCGR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards of astrological education and research.
Along with its U.S. membership it includes a growing number of international members and sponsors 30+ local Chapters in 20 U.S. states and 4 countries. Its Special Interest Groups (SIGs) foster dialog on various astrological specialties and its online education and educational conference bring astrologers from around the world together to grow and to learn together. Their sister organization, NCGR-PAA, allows students to leverage their astrological education into professional certification, and they welcome new members.
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NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA's vision: We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.
Next For NASA?
Thousands of people have been working around the world -- and off of it -- for decades, trying to answer some basic questions. What's out there? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth?
Solar System and Beyond
NASA will add to its existing robotic fleet at the Red Planet with the InSight Mars lander set to study the planet’s interior. The Mars 2020 rover will look for signs of past microbial life, gather samples for future return to Earth and investigate resources that could someday support astronauts.
Sending Humans Out into Solar System: Moon to Mars
International Space Station
And even more to come in the areas of Flight, Space tech and Earth studies!

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
23: Black Hole M37 Pioneering . The Skies Above with Diane A. Curran
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
In this episode, we celebrate the first ever photo of a Black Hole, M87 by name, newly published on April 10, 2017.
Wow!!! This feat took 8 radio telescopes, over 200 researchers, more than 10 years and some super precise atomic clocks were all it took to produce this first ever image of poetically named massive black hole M87. Released today after 2 years of processing and studying the data on what is 3 millions times Earth's size and 500 million trillion km away from us.
But what does it mean to see an iconic image for the first time? We're here to chat about this.
Kudos to Dr. Bouman. Indeed, that's Dr. Katie Bouman who created this pioneering image. “Take your rightful seat in history, Dr. Bouman,” the congresswoman (AO-C) tweeted. ”Congratulations and thank you for your enormous contribution to the advancements of science and mankind.”
About this series:
Humanity has always turned its gaze upward, and as our technology gets exponentially more sophisticated, we are still mesmerized by the The Skies Above. Our attention spans mythology to modern times, and space travel, both physical and virtual in the here and now; at once rich in symbolism, while teeming with yet undiscovered scientific data that beckons us onward.
Your Wow Whispering host Diane has been fascinated since childhood with all things skyward, as we expand our podcast series to The Skies Above.
In this series we honor two traditions which were originally united as one: Astrology and Astronomy. Both derive purpose from seeking to understand the nature of life through explorations beyond Earth. From symbolism to science, mythology to modernity, humanity wants to know more, ever more, about our place in the cosmos.
Our Websites:
Social Media link
Twitter: @wowdianeacurran
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights two organizations.
Visit them online:
The National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc., (NCGR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards of astrological education and research.
Along with its U.S. membership it includes a growing number of international members and sponsors 30+ local Chapters in 20 U.S. states and 4 countries. Its Special Interest Groups (SIGs) foster dialog on various astrological specialties and its online education and educational conference bring astrologers from around the world together to grow and to learn together. Their sister organization, NCGR-PAA, allows students to leverage their astrological education into professional certification, and they welcome new members.
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NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA's vision: We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.
Next For NASA?
Thousands of people have been working around the world -- and off of it -- for decades, trying to answer some basic questions. What's out there? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth?
Solar System and Beyond
NASA will add to its existing robotic fleet at the Red Planet with the InSight Mars lander set to study the planet’s interior. The Mars 2020 rover will look for signs of past microbial life, gather samples for future return to Earth and investigate resources that could someday support astronauts.
Sending Humans Out into Solar System: Moon to Mars
International Space Station
And even more to come in the areas of Flight, Space tech and Earth studies!

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
22: Mars Fascination! The Skies Above with Diane A. Curran
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
In this episode, we explore the First Evening of Spring as we contemplate Mars, a planet which has fascinated us from ancient days and tales of gods and goddesses, right through to modern times and space travel in the here and now; at once rich in symbolism, while teeming with undiscovered scientific data that beckons us onward.
About this series
Your Wow Whispering host Diane has been fascinated since childhood with all things skyward, as we expand our podcast series to The Skies Above.
In this series we honor two traditions which were originally united as one: Astrology and Astronomy. Both derive purpose from seeking to understand the nature of life through explorations beyond Earth. From symbolism to science, mythology to modernity, humanity wants to know more, ever more, about our place in the cosmos.
Our Websites:
Social Media link
Twitter: @wowdianeacurran
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights two organizations.
Visit them online:
The National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc., (NCGR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards of astrological education and research.
Along with its U.S. membership it includes a growing number of international members and sponsors 30+ local Chapters in 20 U.S. states and 4 countries. Its Special Interest Groups (SIGs) foster dialog on various astrological specialties and its online education and educational conference bring astrologers from around the world together to grow and to learn together. Their sister organization, NCGR-PAA, allows students to leverage their astrological education into professional certification, and they welcome new members.
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NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA's vision: We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.
Next For NASA?
Thousands of people have been working around the world -- and off of it -- for decades, trying to answer some basic questions. What's out there? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth?
Solar System and Beyond
NASA will add to its existing robotic fleet at the Red Planet with the InSight Mars lander set to study the planet’s interior. The Mars 2020 rover will look for signs of past microbial life, gather samples for future return to Earth and investigate resources that could someday support astronauts.
Sending Humans Out into Solar System: Moon to Mars
International Space Station
And even more to come in the areas of Flight, Space tech and Earth studies!

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
21: Peace, Good Will & Tikkun Olam with Rabbi Bonnie Lawrence
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Guest Rabbi Bonnie Lawrence is an award winning speaker and author of: Messages that Matter, and Who Stole Your Crayons?®: The Journey from Brokenness to Love.
She is an attorney, executive leadership coach, public speaker and Rabbi.
She loves helping people understand themselves and their lives. She is committed to helping you live your greatest life of meaning, purpose and fulfillment.
Please share a “Wow”
“Realizing that I choose to live my life for the greatest good. That my message is so needed today.”
Please share a “Whisper”
“Connecting with my still, small voice within and listening to it.”
What do you want listeners to know about you?
“That the Journey to Love is worth it!”
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
My project is getting out to speak about the Message which is: You are not here to hate or destroy, you are here to learn, to praise, to labor, and to love. You are here to share your precious gifts with the world. You are here to make the world a better place for all.
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Receive a copy of Rabbi Bonnie’s poem “Your Still Small Voice Within” when you join the email list on her website. Listeners who mention this podcast are invited to receive a 25% discount on a counseling/mentoring program.
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights National Women's History Museum.
“The National Women's History Museum is an online institution preserving women's history & working to establish a physical museum in Washington D.C.”
Visit them online:

Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Guest Cathie-Ann Lippman, MD is a holistic medical doctor who practices Environmental and Preventive Medicine.
In this episode we explore several fundamentals that contribute to— or detract from— your own vitality on a daily basis.
Many people come with chronic conditions for which they are told they “will just have to live with it.” Using alternative methods, Dr. Lippman assists them so they feel better, more energetic and healthier. Good health is not the same as not being sick.
Many parents bring their children who had just been diagnosed with a condition for which a medication had been prescribed. These parents seek Dr. Lippman for different and safer options.
Please share a “Wow”
“The miracles I witness using my approach. Example: the woman who complained of headaches she’s had every day for 20 years. We identified she was intolerant to bananas. When she eliminated bananas from her diet, her headaches stopped.”
Please share a “Whisper”
“Finding the advanced technology I use for my patients.”
What do you want listeners to know about you?
“I am passionate about restoring people to their best health.”
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Dr. Lippman is a wholistic physician with practice in environmental and preventive medicine.
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Dr. Lippman is generously offering our listeners a free copy of her book "Your Guide to Staying Healthy in a Challenging World" (you pay postage only at priority mail rate of $7.50) Visit her website to contact her and mention “Wow Whispering” to get your copy.
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights Rosie’s Place, “Finding answers for 12,000 poor and homeless women a year.”
Visit them online:

Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
19: Ninja Mom & Creative Openings with Ren Hanámi
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Guest Ren Hanámi is an award-winning actress, writer, and director who brings her “Aloha Spirit” to everything she does. Ren has appeared in numerous primetime TV series, big-budget films and prestigious regional stage productions. She just wrapped a guest appearance on the youth-driven Netflix drama “13 Reasons Why” with another in the works. She continues as the longtime spokesperson for AAA Hawaii.
Her passion for storytelling and creating the world of Ninja Mom® was inspired by her Japanese/Hawaiian Mom and a desire to see strong female action heroes!
Ren Hanámi’s screenplay NINJA MOM took her to the 2013 Hawai’i International Film Festival Writers’ Accelerator Fellowship, was a Semifinalist in the 2015 and 2016 UCLA Extension Feature Film Writing Competitions, a Semifinalist in the 2017 We Screenplay Diverse Voices Screenwriting Competition, a Semifinalist in the 2018 Screencraft Family Friendly Screenplay Contest, and a Quarterfinalist in the 2018 Screencraft SciFi and Fantasy Screenplay Contest. Her screenplay NATIVE LAND, RISING SUN was a Finalist-2018 We Screenplay Diverse Voices Screenwriting Competition.
Her short film LIKE LAST NIGHT has garnered Best Coming of Age Short-2017 Culver City Film Festival, Best Original Short Film Screenplay-2018 Silver State Film Festival, and Ren Hanámi won Best Short Film Supporting Actress-2018 Silicon Beach Film Festival.
Ren Hanámi has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater from UCLA and a Certificate in Feature Film Writing from UCLA Extension.
Please share a “Wow”
“My first screenplay making the semi-finals in the prestigious U.C.L.A. Feature Film Writing Contest.”
Please share a “Whisper”
“That I am good enough and everything I do is good enough -- I am unlearning the "not good enough" training my parents unconsciously taught me.”
What do you want listeners to know about you?
“My World of Ninja Mom and other acting/writing/directing projects. Also how I'd like my projects to help change the culture of sexual abuse and bullying.”
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Renworld, Inc. and Ninja Mom® Entertainment
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Ren will send a beautiful quality Ninja Mom Sticker to anyone (kids or grownups!) who posts a photo of themselves with the Ninja Mom Book: #NinjaMomAndTengonisInTheTiki on the @NinjaMomMovies Instagram account. (Remember to PM her with a mailing address, please!)
Social Media links
FB, Twitter, Instagram:
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights Brian Arts Productions, “Building Financial Literacy through the Creative Arts.”
Visit them online:

Monday Mar 11, 2019
18: Career Satisfaction at Any Age with Judy Morris
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Guest Judy Morris is a Personal Development Coach, Employment Specialist & Founder of JCLUB FOR SUCCESS. She shares real-world examples of reigniting opportunity for people in widely varied circumstances and need.
Judy creates strategic forward-thinking employment solutions for individuals who are unemployed, underemployed or who are simply looking to change careers. She provides people with the skills and strategies they need to reach their career goals.
She has worked with over 2,000 people in group settings and individual sessions providing guidance, support, accountability & coaching to empower her clients in finding rewarding employment opportunities that are a match for their background, skills, and interests.
If you have experienced a life event such as divorce, disability, retirement, or have been laid off, Judy can help you reassess, realign and reignite your passion for contributing your unique talents & experience to the workplace.
Please share a “Wow”
My best friend encouraging me to step into the unknown & take action made all the difference in my life.
Please share a “Whisper”
People who have had significant challenges moving forward with grace & gratitude.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
I'm committed to empowering people to have the information, resources & tools that they need to pursue their career successfully.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
JCLUB FOR SUCCESS: Paving the road to employment.
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Reach out on Judy’s website contact page, mention Wow Whispering, and get a free 60 min employment coaching session via phone
Request Judy’s “6 Steps to End Employment Struggle.”
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights edX, “Online courses from @Harvard, @MIT + more of the world's top schools.” An amazing resource for continual learning with top-notch online course access.
Visit them online: